Datasheets for Full-IP67 Monitors
Please note:
- The data sheets show a standard configuration; you can specify modifications from the following list: Additions
- If a desired data sheet is not (yet) available, please give us a call and we will provide it.
- Most data sheets contain a copy of the mechanical drawing of the monitor. You will receive the drawing in full size from us on request.
Aspect ratio 4:3
- 7CH0846 8,4" 800 x 600
- 7CH0975 9,7" 1024 x 768
- 7CH1045SN 10,4" 800 x 600
- 7CH1045XN 10,4" 1024 x 768
- 7CH1205SN 12,1" 800 x 600
- 7CH1205XN 12,1" 1024 x 768
- 7CH1505 15,1" 1024 x 768
- 7CH1705 17,1" 1280 x 1024
- 7CH1905 19,1" 1280 x 1024
- 7CH2005 20,0" 1600 x 1200
- 7CH2135 21,3" 2048 x 1536
- 7CH2316 23,1" 1600 x 1200
- 7CH2655 26,5" 1920 x 1920
Aspect ratio 16:9 ("Wide")
- 7CH0706WV 7,1" 800 x 480
- 7CH1016WS 10,1" 1024 x 600
- 7CH1016WE 10,1" 1280 x 800
- 7CH1016WX 10,1" 1366 x 768
- 7CH1016WU 10,1" 1920 x 1200
- 7CH12W5 12,1" 1280 x 800
- 7CH1545 15,4" 1280 x 800
- 7CH1565 15,6" 1920 x 1080
- 7CH17W5 17,0" 1440 x 900
- 7CH1735 17,3" 1920 x 1080
- 7CH1855WX 18,5" 1366 x 768
- 7CH1855WH 18,5" 1920 x 1080
- 7CH19W5 19,0" 1440 x 900
- 7CH2155 21,5" 1920 x 1080
- 7CH2205 22,1" 1680 x 1050
- 7CH2405 24,1" 1920 x 1080
- 7CH2415 24,2" 1920 x 1200
- 7CH2705WH 27,1" 1920 x 1080
- 7CH3205 32" 1920 x 1080
- 7CH4204 42" 1920 x 1080
- 7CH4604* 46" 1920 x 1080
- 7CH5504* 55" 1920 x 1080
- 7CH6504* 65" 1920 x 1080